Aviator™ Fly Bait Aerosol
Aviator™ Fly Bait Aerosol delivers quick and effective fly control. With a simple spray, it targets hard-to-reach places, where traditional baits can’t reach.
Bite Free™ Stable Fly Trap
A shimmering sticky trap that is ideal bitting fly control for horse stables, cattle feed lots, dairies, swine operations and poultry operations.
Captivator® Fly Trap
A high-quality jug trap with a water soluble attractant that provides simple fly control in barns and areas where fly populations are high.
Cattle Armor™ 1% Synergized Pour On
An on cattle pour-on to control flies and lice on cows. It can be applied as a spray mist or back rubber on pasture, in the feed lot.
ClariFly® Add-Pack Fly Control
A Feed-through for calves that starts fly control on dairy cows early in life. It works in calf manure to stop larvae from developing into adults.
ClariFly® Larvicide Top-Dress Fly Control
A feed through fly control product that helps prevent the emergence of adult house flies, stable flies, face flies, and horn flies from manure of treated beef and dairy cattle, breeding stock, and show animals.
Cyanarox® Insecticidal Bait
This ready-to-use granular bait can be trusted to control cockroaches and nuisance flies in, on and around farms, barns and animal housing facilities.
DuraStrike® Fly Bait
With the active ingredient, Indoxacarb, DuraStrike® Fly Scatter Bait provides control of house and fruit flies and kills blow flies indoors.
A New Reason to Rotate All Season
Proper rotation is essential in fighting against fly bait resistance — allowing for even greater fly control on any operation.
Answering Frequently Asked Questions about Bait Rotation
Find answers to your most frequently asked questions about bait rotation, including what baits you should use and how often you should rotate them.
Breaking Down the Benefits of Bait Rotation
By introducing baits with diverse attractants, active ingredients, and modes of action, efficacy is preserved, resulting in a reduction of fly populations.
Cattle Armor™: A Multi-Purpose Solution for Livestock Insect Control
Among the impressive lineup of Starbar® products, Cattle Armor™ 1% Synergized Pour-On stands out as a versatile solution for livestock insect control.
Checklist for Implementing a Fly Control Program
It is important to use a variety of fly traps, fly baits, and on-animal treatments to manage disease-spreading fly populations on a dairy operation.
Cockroaches: A bigger threat than you think
Cockroaches can transmit various diseases and bacteria to humans and livestock through inhalation, digestion, and cross-contamination.
Discover Everything You Need to Know About Lice
Don’t let lice take a toll on your livestock. Visit our new lice insect page today and equip yourself with the knowledge you need to tackle lice infestations.
Effective Fly Control for Comfortable Horses
Learn how flies, including house and stable flies, can harm your horses, and discover how Starbar® Products can help reduce their population.
Free Product Catalog | Starbar Products
Download the Starbar Products catalog below to explore our comprehensive lineup of insect control solutions, and learn which products work best at each level.
Inhibidor Rebate
Stay up-to-date with ways to get a higher level of fly control. Sign up for a newsletter with tips how to to treat flies and insects on the farm.
Levels of Control | Insects | Cockroaches
From identifying roach infestations to learning the risks they pose to livestock, we can help you find the right roach control products for your operation.
Levels of Control | Insects | Flies
To control fly populations and protect against diseases, learn how to identify these flies and find the right fly control products for your operation.
Levels of Control | Insects | Lice
To control lice populations and protect against diseases, learn how to identify these lice and find the right lice control products for your operation.
Levels of Fly Control | Starbar Products | About
Rural fly and insect control starts with Starbar Products. Farmers, ranchers and commercial operations can depend on our traps, baits, and sprays.
Levels of Fly Control | Starbar Products | All
One page with all Starbar products. Control fly and other insects on livestock, around farms and in commercial operations.
Levels of Fly Control | Starbar Products | Baits
A line-up of scatter baits for fly control in areas where flies feed that can be a part of a fly bait rotation to fight resistance.