More Than Just Fly Control

Over the years, the Starbar® lineup has grown to feature additional products that can do more to fight biting flies, fire ants, mosquitoes, and other labeled pests that can affect your operation. With a wide variety of solutions, Starbar® products help to fight a wide variety of insects.

To help expand your knowledge on Starbar® products, we put together a list of some of the most common agricultural pests and which Starbar® specialty products or sprays we recommend using for each.


  • Pyronyl™ Crop Spray
  • Cattle Armor™ 1% Synergized Pour-On
  • Pre-Strike® Mosquito Torpedo
  • Starbar® E-Pro Adulticide Spray
  • Lambda 9.7 CS
  • Starbar® UL-100 EC Insecticidal Spray

Fire Ants

  • Pyronyl™ Crop Spray
  • Starbar® E-Pro Adulticide Spray
  • Lambda 9.7 CS
  • Extinguish® Plus


  • Prolate/Lintox HD™ Insecticidal Spray & Backrubber for Livestock
  • Pyronyl™ Crop Spray
  • Cattle Armor™ 1% Synergized Pour-On
  • Inhibidor™ Insecticidal Pour-On
  • Starbar® E-Pro Adulticide Spray
  • Starbar® UL-100 EC Insecticidal Spray


  • Pyronyl™ Crop Spray
  • Starbar® E-Pro Adulticide Spray
  • Lambda 9.7 CS
  • Starbar® UL-100 EC Insecticidal Spray


  • Cyanarox® Insecticidal Bait
  • Exhalt WDG™ Insect growth Regulator (Cockroach nymphs only)
  • Pyronyl™ Crop Spray
  • Cattle Armor™ 1% Synergized Pour-On
  • Inhibidor™ Insecticidal Pour-On
  • Starbar® E-Pro Adulticide Spray
  • Lambda 9.7 CS
  • Starbar® UL-100 EC Insecticidal Spray

Starbar® Specialty Products & Sprays

Starbar® specialty products help protect livestock and workers against biting flies, fire ants, and mosquitoes all around your operation. Starbar® insect sprays are easy-to-use and can be applied in many areas throughout an operation. Some can be used directly on-animal for livestock fly control, while others can be used in and around structures for proven fly and listed insect control. Starbar® insect sprays can be applied to various places in, on and around your operation. Application sites include pastures and yards, on animals, and in buildings.

