Cyanarox® Insecticidal Bait
- Ready-to-use granular fly and roach bait
- Controls house flies on the ground in pig farms, poultry houses, horse barns, dairy barns, and on pasture
- Controls German cockroaches, American cockroaches and Oriental cockroaches in on and around barns and animal housing facilities
- Highly attractive cockroach and fly bait
- Can be used both indoors and outdoors to kill roaches and house flies
- Use in rotation to manage fly resistance
Case Qty: 4
Active Ingredients:
- Cyantraniliprole (0.5%)
Sizes Available
- House Fly
- Stable Fly
- Other nuisance flies
- Oriental cockroach
- American cockroach
- German cockroach
- Milking Parlors
- Broiler Houses
- Caged Layer Houses
- Loafing Sheds
- Swine Facilities
- Feedlots
- Granular
- Scatter Bait
- Bait Station